Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 19 - But what about the outside?

Today, I did not have to cook.  I have a house full of soups, chilis, fruits and veggies.  It was a relaxing day of enjoying leftovers, going to the gym, and fussing about the house.

This morning, I was talking to my sister about food, and how we have changed our eating, and she brought up something I hadn't thought about yet:  what about the outside?  What about our biggest organ, our skin.

She referred me to a website, which is a cosmetics/body care/beauty product website that tells you in no uncertain terms what is in the products you rub onto your skin every day, often after a hot shower, when your pores are open. 

From their website:

EWG's Skin Deep is an online safety guide for cosmetics and personal care products, launched in 2004 to help people find safer products, with fewer ingredients that are hazardous or that haven't been thoroughly tested. Skin Deep combines product ingredient lists with information in more than 50 standard toxicity and regulatory databases. The database provides easy-to-navigate safety ratings for tens of thousands of personal care products.

Needless to say, I'll be slowly making some changes in the products my family uses.  Go poke around on their website, look for your favorite products, and see how they scored!

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